We prefer rhythms over programmes

From 1st September 2024 we step into a new rhythm as follows:

We will be meeting on the first, second and third Sundays of each month at 2.30pm in the Elim Oasis Church building, Ranelagh Grove, St Peter’s CT10 2TE. Each gathering has a different focus as follows:

1st Sunday: Going Deeper Bible Study

2nd Sunday: All age ‘Church around the Table’ with afternoon tea

3rd Sunday: TGI Gathering with Reset JAM Kids Church 

Going Deeper Bible Study is conversational, where we explore the Bible text in light of the culture and context of its time, looking for God’s heart in its stories for us today. (Whilst we don’t have kids provision for this, we do have an area in the room with toys and activities and will have an adult sitting with them during the Bible study. Parents are still responsible for their children however, should they need anything).

Church Around the Table is a new idea we are going to trial where we sit together around a table with food, and talk about some of life’s questions. This is an all age gathering – relatable activity sheets will be available for kids to help them engage.

TGI Sunday is an opportunity to worship together, hear an interactive message, pray and receive ministry. RESET JAM – our kids church for primary aged children is also part this gathering. 

We are exploring different ways we can express our worship for the first two Sundays of the month. We’d love to hear your ideas!

Every Wednesday at 7.30pm (term time only) our interactive More to Life Conversation happens on Zoom. On the last Wednesday of each month, we turn this zoom call into ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’, a time to check in with each other and create the space for people to share the deeper stuff going on for them, receive support and prayer.

We host a special Encounter Night on a Saturday 7pm which is also open to people from other churches. We really believe something beautiful happens when people step out and join with the wider body to worship, pray and share stories. This evening is usually held at Open House Church in Ramsgate.

If you would like to join us for any of these, feel free to come along. If you have any questions beforehand, please contact us and we will get back to you.

Alongside all this, we understand it can be helpful to pull together around a common theme, so with this in mind, we will from time to time host short courses (e.g. Alpha, The Zombie Gospel & Restoring the Shack) to help us discover who we are, whose we are and what we are here for.