We have three core values:

RELATIONSHIP – with the Trinity and each other

PARTICIPATION – in our own journeys of healing as well as the bigger picture of a hurting world

OTHER-CENTREDNESS – we live not with ourselves at the centre, but with a wider perspective and a heart to help 

We also value the following as cultural norms:

CURIOSITY – We are a people curious about life, faith and purpose.

CONNECTION – We are a people who recognise that we are created for connection – with God and each other.

COURAGE – We are a people who know it takes real courage to be your authentic self – flawed and fabulous, yet willing to journey towards greater freedom and wholeness.

COMPASSION – We are a people who recognise that it takes great compassion towards ourselves and others to face the messy of life without judgement or condemnation. Jesus looks at us all with great compassion. We want to reflect the same love He does.

CONVERSATION – We are a people who listen well and recognise that each voice is valid. We gather around conversation where we all support and learn from each other.

CREATIVITY – We are an ‘outside of the box’ kind of people – made in God’s image who together are finding ways to reflect His creativity to benefit and build up others.

COMMUNITY – We are a people who value relational community. We do life together in various ways, always with an ‘arms wide open’ approach.

CELEBRATION – We are a people who recognise that life is a journey, so together we celebrate and champion the little wins, the brave steps and the curiosity of hearts.